Industry Dance Awards

A Night to Remember!

As the summer dwindles down and new seasons begin, we celebrate the past year of dance at the Industry Dance Awards.

The dance community came together for one amazing night of celebration and talent; uniting for a single cause. As Dancers Against Cancer, we lifted up Angels and Warriors and raised over one million dollars together. Grateful is an understatement and we can’t say thank you enough.

We kicked the evening off with our red carpet who saw our incredible Nominees, Winners, and Special Guests including dancer/choreographer Travis Wall, Tommy Chong, Nickelodeon star Jojo Siwa, Nia Frazier of Dance Moms, the Bald Ballerina Maggie Kudirka, and Actor/Dancer/Survivor Christina Applegate.

The star studded evening was accompanied by incredible performances and the announcement of the Best Performance of 2017, Best Choreography of 2017, the Lifetime Achievement Award presented to the legendary Kenny Ortega, and much more. We witnessed an awe inspiring performance by Maggie Kudirka who taught us to live every day like it was our last, watched Maks and Val of Dancing With the Stars graciously accept the Innovator Award, and were incredibly humbled when Christina Applegate accepted our donation of $100,000 to Right Action for Women (RAW).

Join us in congratulating all of our winners!

See some of the incredible moments from the night for yourself!

Although the Industry Dance Awards only happen once a year, you can always be apart of what we stand for by donating to Dancers Against Cancer anytime! For more fun from the night check out our gallery below.

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