Industry Dance Awards

Choreographers of the Year!


Recently, I’ve written about the quality of work necessary to make a performance come alive: the sacrifices families make, long rehearsals, and not to mention the knowledge required to choreograph an award winning piece.  This year at the KARtv Awards and Benefit Show, two choreographers stood out amongst the pack, here’s why – 

Coming to us from Creative Dance Center, sisters Staci and Jamie Frye truly epitomize what it means to be a dynamic duo. In Staci’s own words, “when Jamie and I work together on a piece, it’s like I’m there to draw it and she does the painting.”  In other words, the two play off of each other well.

This time, when it came to “Falling Slowly,” Jamie came up with the choreography.  After that, she and Staci were ready to begin practicing with a team of dancers.  From what Staci tells me, this scenario is not unheard of at Creative Dance Center.  “We’re one of the only studios that still does in-house choreography.  Years ago, before Jamie and I became more involved and it was just our mom, someone would come to the studio.  But when they’d leave, we always made our own changes.”  Since the studio has gone in-house with their choreography, things have paid off.

More than just a simple honor, receiving the Star Award for Choreographer (s) of the Year was a surreal experience for both ladies.  Unfortunately they couldn’t be with us at the MGM, but did catch the live video just in time.  Back at the hotel in Ohio, where their studio attended Nationals, the girls had fallen asleep, but woke up right before the category was announced.  Staci laughingly admitted this, and even confessed that she and Jamie looked at each other the next morning, asking, “Did we really win?”

The Frye sisters would like to extend gratitude to their students for being an inspiration, and their mother for always pushing them to do more, to be bigger, and to be better.  Jamie couldn’t join us for the interview, but Staci wanted her to know that Jamie is the reason she teaches and Staci will always be thankful for having you as a partner.

From where I stand, it’s easy to see that Staci, Jamie, and everyone at Creative Dance Center has a good thing going.  Here’s to you guys – do what you love, and love what you do!

Click this link to check out “Falling Slowly”

See more of their amazing performances here!