Industry Dance Awards

Learning About Bright Pink



Learning About Bright Pink

The Industry Dance Awards is proud to have partnered with an incredible organization, Bright Pink, the only national non-profit focused on the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer in young women, while providing support for high-risk individuals. Their mission is to save women’s lives from breast and ovarian cancer by empowering them to live proactively at a young age We got the chance to get to know more about Bright Pink, and their ways of actively raising cancer awareness and prevention.

Bright Pink Beginnings

Bright Pink was founded in 2007 in Chicago, IL by Lindsay Avner. Inspired
 by her own family’s journey with breast and ovarian cancer, Lindsay created Bright Pink for women like her – young women who had never been diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer and had the power to be proactive. After losing her grandmother and great-grandmother to breast cancer before she was born, and watching her mother fight both breast and ovarian cancer when she was only 12, Lindsay underwent genetic testing at the age of 22. The test revealed she carried a mutation on the BRCA1 gene, indicating she had up to an 87% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer and up to a 54% chance of developing ovarian cancer. It was then that Avner decided to be At 23 years-old, Avner took matters into her own and  became the youngest patient in the country to bravely opt for a risk-reducing double mastectomy with reconstruction.

Education & Prevention

Bright Pink’s educational programs teach early detection and risk-reduction strategies to women 18-45 and the medical professionals who serve them. Our signature educational programs are Brighten Up™ Educational Workshops and Emerging Medical Professionals Workshops. Bright Pink also offers support programs for young women at high risk for breast and ovarian cancer due to a family history or genetic predisposition. The organization provides unmatched support for these young women through PinkPal® One-on-One peer support and Experiential Outreach Groups.

Get Involved

The easiest way to get involved is to start being bright with your own health today. Visit to learn the breast and ovarian health basics, assess your personal risk for breast and ovarian cancer with our Assess Your Risk tool, and sign up for our educational tools like Breast Health Reminders. Additionally, we’re always looking for new people to join our national community to learn more about programs, events and volunteer opportunities. Join their network today at

IDA & Bright Pink Partnership

We’re thrilled to be part of an event geared at celebrating and inspiring young dancers. It’s so important to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, and we know that practicing healthy behaviors starting at a young age can last a lifetime. So we are thrilled to support an industry that encourages an active lifestyle. We look forward to sharing our education and empowering the Industry Dance Awards participants and their families to be proactive advocates for their breast and ovarian health.

Learn more about Bright Pink: